🏢 High-rise dwellers! Know your escape routes. Find at least two ways out from every room in your apartment. Practice in the dark - you might need to escape that way! #HighRiseSafety#EscapePlan
🚪 Fire doors save lives! Never prop them open or block them. They're designed to slow fire spread, giving you precious escape time. Keep them closed and clear! #FireSafety#ApartmentLiving
Fire in your building? Forget the elevator! Always use the stairs to escape. Elevators may be unavailable, get called to the ground floor, or stop on fire-affected floors. Stairs are your lifeline!#SafetyFirst #HighRiseHacks
🚨 Hear that alarm? Act fast! Every second counts in a high-rise fire. Don't wait to see what others do - start your escape immediately. Your quick action could save your life! #FireAlarm#QuickResponse
🔑 Know your building's crossover floors. These unlocked levels let you switch stairwells if needed. It could be your backup escape route! #HighRiseTips #FireEscape
🚒 In a high-rise fire and can't escape? Close your door, stuff towels in cracks, and call 911.Open a window slightly and signal for help. Firefighters will find you! #StaySafe #FireRescue
🏠 Your condo, your responsibility! Install smoke alarms, test them monthly, and replace batteries yearly. Early warning is crucial in high-rise fires. #SmokeSavesLives #ApartmentSafety
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