Fireworks Safety

The sale of fireworks is regulated under municipal bylaw.  Bylaw No. 2010-146  This bylaw sets the dates fireworks may be sold. minimum age for purchaser, maximum amount to be held on premises and maximum amount sold to a person.  


🎆 Fireworks are fun, but safety comes first! Always have a bucket of water or hose nearby when using fireworks. Stay prepared, stay safe! 

🚒 Keep a safe distance! Enjoy fireworks from at least 50 feet away. Remember, even sparklers can reach 1200°F! Protect yourself and loved ones. 

👀 Supervise kids around fireworks! Never let children handle fireworks, including sparklers. Be responsible adult and keep the little ones safe. 

🧯 Know how to put out small fires! Keep a fire extinguisher handy during fireworks. Remember P.A.S.S: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep. 

🚫 Never relight a "dud" firework! Wait 20 minutes, then soak it in water before disposal. Safety first, always!

🐾 Protect your pets! Fireworks can scare animals. Keep pets indoors and create a calm environment for them during celebrations. 

🚰 Dispose of fireworks safely! Soak used fireworks in water overnight before throwing them away. Prevent trash fires and keep our community safe. 

🏠 Keep fireworks away from your home! Never light fireworks indoors or near structures. Celebrate outdoors in open areas. 

🚑 Be prepared for emergencies! Know how to treat minor burns and when to call 911. Safety is everyone's responsibility. 

🎇 Choose safety over thrill! Attend professional fireworks displays instead of using consumer fireworks. Enjoy the show responsibly! 




Please visit the National Resources Canada website for more details on Customer Fireworks Safety.